Placing health and wellness at the center of design
ELEVATE gets a personal introspection on biological living spaces and the unparalleled wellness experience for homebuyers at Muse Residences with the pioneer of Wellness Real Estate™, Delos and well-renowned integrative health advocate and author, Dr. Deepak Chopra
“People are increasingly prioritizing their health and wellness within every aspect of their lives. As a growing body of research continues to demonstrate the profound impact indoor spaces can have on our health and wellness, it is becoming increasingly important to focus on designing residences that support occupant health in the built environment as a tool to promote biological sustainability. From the quality of the air in a space to the amount of daylight entering, there are many designs, construction, and operation decisions that can contribute to a person’s health and wellness”, asseverates CEO of Delos, Paul Scialla.
ELEVATE: Define what “human luxury” means throughout a biological living space.
PAUL SCIALLA: Our greatest luxury in life is health. A healthy residence is one that supports all areas of its residents’ well-being through features that are designed to improve the dimensions of wellness from mood and productivity to fitness and nutrition. To help increase health and wellness in a household, we’ve focused on four core wellness principles specifically relating to this project – air, water, light, and sleep –through features like air purification and circadian lighting.
ELEVATE: How are each of these elements integrated into the environment?
PAUL SCIALLA: By incorporating advanced indoor lighting techniques, i.e., the residences will promote alignment with the body’s natural circadian rhythm, helping to improve energy, mood, productivity, and sleep quality by providing cues to keep our sleep – wake cycle aligned each day. Additionally, advanced air filtration methodologies will be used to reduce allergens, toxins, pathogens, pollen and other pollutants from the air, while water filtration will be incorporated to achieve nationally-recognized water quality standards.
ELEVATE: Can you share the color selections that were used and why?
PAUL SCIALLA: For this project, Deepak Chopra will be choosing wall colours and furniture fixtures and finishes utilizing natural colours, as Deepak is a firm believer that residences that are in harmony with nature can help to create harmony within our bodies and minds.
ELEVATE: With the leading brand for kitchens, bathrooms and cabinetry; in which custom designs, sources materials (acoustic elements) three years before their readily available in the industry and has a pulse on renewable manufacturing, what was the synergy in working with Italkraft to design the kitchens and bathrooms inside the Muse development project with developer, PMG?
PAUL SCIALLA: Italkraft believes that human interaction throughout the International design community helps to enrich the lives of others. This vision goes hand-in-hand with what Delos, PMG and myself are creating at Muse Residences. Collaborating with a brand that encompasses such a creative style was the perfect fit for this project. Together, we are creating innovative, beautifully-designed homes to help residents live healthier, happier and more balanced lives.
“I have always looked at the environment as an extension of people rather than as a separate entity. Wellness real estate recognizes this connection and removes the division between humans and the environment and between nature and nurture.” –Deepak Chopra